I've just watched Jagten (The Hunter), a Danish movie. I really really like it. I LOVE the actor. I like Scandinavian films. Incidentally, I have just watched almost all three installments of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (I know, everyone and their dog have seen it already, I am known to catch onto things sometimes), and they were all awesome--except for the last one, in which the story is so complicated and long and they talk so much that I basically just had to get on with my life. The only thing I do not understand in this movie is why the guy did not tell Klara (when she came and was standing in his door) that that was what people were saying that she (the little girl) had said! There would have been hope that she (the little girl) might clear up the mess. She said people were saying he had done bad things to her, but he should have said, "Klara, people are saying that you had said that." Hm. (By the way, Babette's Feast is one of my all time favorite movies.)
Also, I am not entirely sure why he kicks out the lovely girlfriend. One would think a man would find support in a situation like this. But who knows, his pain.