Sunday, August 5, 2018


Evil NATO. The U.S. maintains 800 military bases around the world for an annual $580 billion. There's no cold war. The EU, without the U.S., would be fine, despite what Americans are told in order to get them to continue their support for the perpetual, U.S.-led global military aggression. Russia is a peaceful, friendly, right-wing, conservative, Christian country. Trump tries to reel in Russia, then when Putin resists (as usual, and as being the only obstacle left for the U.S.-led implementation of the New World Order -- besides North Korea and Iran that Trump casually threatens to NUKE), Trump goes back home and does the opposite: continues the usual western lies against Russia, while calling for more NATO and more sanctions against Russia (started by Obama and Hillary, costing the EU economy billions of dollars of damages). Then when Putin starts making headway in cleaning up the mess the U.S. has been doing in Syria (in destabilizing it, stirring up Muslims against Christians, and funding and arming the "rebels" aka. Al Nusra and other terrorists who also take the U.S. weapons and training with them when 99% of them join ISIS with the full knowledge of the U.S.), Trump also quickly sends 105 missiles into Syria and dragged French and British soldiers (usually made to do the U.S.'s dirty work) on the usual false allegations of chemical weapons -- sending the missiles (early April) BEFORE the results of the chemical weapons investigation. And then vetoes the UN motion to hold the U.S. responsible for breaking international law, making sure the terrorist incubators are perpetuated in Syria, as well as the millions of displaced Middle Eastern people to flood Europe with. Trump also sent $200 million dollars (totaling $1 billion) sent to Ukraine in aide of stirring it up against Russia (among others, persecuting Russian Orthodox Christians in East Ukraine) when Russia is already surrounded by NATO-U.S. nuclear weapons in Eastern Europe and the North Sea, in an attempt to get Ukraine into NATO and open a nuclear base even closer to Russia -- which, by the way, has 10% of the U.S. Military budget and maintains two offshore military basis, both near its border, against two terrorist states. As far as his lies at home, the machine behind him (those he serves) has given him the role of stirring up and rallying behind him Conservatives, with false patriotism, symbols, and U.S. Supremacy, and using big words and appropriating all conservative ideas only to deflate them by making them ridiculous, discredited, or moot, mostly by standing by and letting them die in Congress (even with Republican majority). While also doing nothing on the two major New World Order issues and organizations: NATO (which he is beefing up) and the Federal Reserve. He keeps the racial wars and the rapid takeover of socialist ideas perpetuated (in introduction of the one-world finance and economy to soon be implemented).  Keep watching as not one conservative issue will go past the level of his words. He just keeps getting popular support for the new strategy of U.S.-led NWO implementation, for which conservatives are more prone to offer support because they are more "patriotic," anti-Russia, and more supportive of U.S. military aggression and international intervention on the false idea of U.S. moral superiority and bringing "democracy." They are more likely to parrot "but Ukraine, and "Crimea" without knowing where they are or knowing what's going on on the ground. Same with Syria or most of the Middle East, which they simple call "shithole Muslim countries" okay to be NUKED, not realizing, of course, that they are supporting the terrorists that kill Christians and threw the region into chaos, disarray,  death, and destruction. They also think the U.S. is "threatened" by nuclear power from Iran (which has no nuclear capabilities and also has a huge, western-style, anti-government and anti-Islamist population that should be supported and certainly not nuked) and North Korea, which could be destroyed many times over by U.S. nuclear weapons from South Korea. Simply because these two countries, like Russia, as well as Syria, and all the others the U.S. has openly invaded or stirred up, are against the New World Order -- either by wanting to change to the euro (like Iran), the rubel, or the yen instead of the petrodollar, do not owe money to or are not even part of the IMF (like Syria) or simply have a strong national identity resisting globalism (Russia, and all of these countries). You must also remember that they changed into the U.S.-led NATO implementation after the leftist idea failed on Europe, where Europeans across the continent are turning to the right against immigration, Soros, globalism -- and Trump comes to Europe and allies himself with Merkel and Macron, the LEFTIST traitors of the European people, calling for more NATO, and more sanctions on Russia. American conservative supported war against civilians in Iraq, based on false, unproven WMD claims, when Saddam had plans of turning to the euro, away from the petrodollar, after a few people from Saudi Arabia flew planes into New York -- while they are still okay with Saudi Arabia continuing to be the United States' darling. They also supported the war in Syria, based on false chemical weapons claims. This is how easily Americans are deceived by their own politicians and media.  Would they be willing to go to war and kill civilians in Russia and in Europe if they were told what lies, smear campaigns, and accusations against these countries and their politicians, if at one point they would serving the United States globalist rule ambitions, and bidding for the implementation of the New World Order?

On Migrants

Syria In A Nutshell

Syria in a nutshell: the U.S. stirred up mobs and has been arming terrorists.

Putin's Speech On U.S. Foreign Policy

It's sad how since this video the U.S. has asserted control over the EU, plays dirty in Syria, continues its bipartisan propaganda against Russia, and continues to murder, manipulate, and terrorize the world to bring it under Rothschild finance. Trump uses false patriotism and symbols, and U.S. Supremacy.

On NATO, Russia, Putin, Trump, and former CIA General Wesley Clark

Why is there even a NATO? The Cold War is over, Russia is a right-wing country. There are U.S.-NATO (same thing) nuclear rockets planted in Eastern Europe and the North Sea directed against Russia. Putin tries to clean up the mess and the terrorist incubators the U.S. knowingly created by deposing Assad and allowing ISIS to rise (by supporting Al Nusra), and when Putin makes headway, the U.S. accuses Assad of using chemical weapons on his people and sends 105 missiles (dragging the Brits and the French into it, of course, for seeming international support and blame diffusion) BEFORE the conclusive outcome of the chemical weapons probe -- in early April 2018. Then, as per usual, it bullies the EU into vetoing Russia's condemnation of the U.S.'s unlawful and unethical conduct. I'm not even gonna get into how the U.S. bullies the EU and NATO member states to do its dirty work and maintain its one-polar world power, and help it establish a one-world economy and government: So, tell me again, who is NATO?
Trump is a total NWO globalist -- establishing U.S. control over Western Europe and asserting NATO power over the world, as well as a U.S.-led one-polar economic world dominance, by trying to force Russia on its knees -- after Hillary already convinced Russia's most important economic partner, the EU, to boycott Russia based on, first a crazy Pussy Riot "misogynist" "homophobe" "racist" campaign, then based on Ukraine (which was most likely stirred up by the U.S., using a minority of Ukrainians that, the way it looks from here next door, most Ukrainians, and definitely most Crimeans, don't agree with -- links below). And, contrary to Obama, how is he getting bipartisan public support from the American people to do his globalist thing? Remember he said: "I'm doing good. My Christians are liking me, my Jews are liking me." He is using a strange personality cult. Shouldn't politicians mainly work in offices, and in meetings? Transparency clearly does not mean a reality show, right?
Apparently, he had to change tactics, because Putin doesn't buckle over for him, nor could they convincingly prove that Russia had anything to do with his election. Who could ever believe this guy was a conservative? We must remember, Conservatives did not choose Trump over Hillary....but over Sen. Ted Cruz! Watch for more and more conservatives, as well as more liberals coming on board, offering him unconditional public support, as he riles up people with a false, loud, external, and highly SYMBOLIC patriotism and belief that the United States is the caretaker and militarily-obligated-to-spread-it unilateral power of "Democracy." A little bit to conservatives, a little bit to liberals, and he has the majority of millions of the most powerful nation on earth supporting him.

Monday, March 5, 2018

In response to a comment thread about sexual assault in Sweden, I wrote this response. This could not be published on Instagram, because Sweden now has strong media and social censorship, in which certain words, comments and articles are banned (e.g. mentioning the words "rape" and "Muslim" in the same comment) But here's some of my experience living as a gay man in Egypt. Egyptian people in general are amazing and lovely, but most Europeans have no idea about the enormous cultural differences. Muslim men in general are raised entirely separately from the women -- as the women are kept away and entirely covered from head to toe and away from the men. Women are most often left "out of the fun" or the club (even sex) and are mostly suppressed to serve the men, and have children. Two things result: 40% of Egyptian men have most of their sexual experiences with other men (with whom they are raised in intimacy, far kept from the women) (and most the rest of the men are also bisexual, I was told, even when they have wives). The other result is that they are SUPER sexually charged and frustrated (because of the strict moral laws and upbringing in Muslim cultures). Women cannot go out in public, only in head covering and fully clothed, long sleeves and long skirts or long jeans. The men likewise, mostly wear long-sleeved shirts with long pants in the 45°C heat. European women and men are encouraged to also observe this -- in order to avoid being sexually harassed, solicited or attacked or taken by the moral police. Public affection between men and when, kissing, hugging, holding hands. A woman and a man cannot check into a hotel room unless they have papers proving that they are married. There are separate subway cars for men and women, though there is one combined car in the middle. I have also said this before, that 95-98% of women in Egypt are genitally mutilated, with their clitoris and labia cut out. Moral police may appear out of nowhere and you will be taken and held in jail. At the same time, I must mention that Egypt is one of, if not the, most liberal Muslim/Arab countries, preceded perhaps only by Morocco and/or Lebanon. The Gulf, rich states, particularly Saudi Arabia and Quatar, are the worst and most oppressive and extremely strict religiously (even by Egyptian standards), as well as Iraq, Afghanistan. In any way, if you are a (especially Euoprean) woman or even a European man, and you walk down the street, you CONSTANTLY get sexually solicited and comments. I dated guys who were nice, but in the streets the soliciting really bothered me, and one time I was almost pulled into a dark alleyway and took me 15 minutes of fighting to set myself free. I see that boys who were raised their entirely lives only seeing women covered head to toe, they come to Europe and see women (and men) half naked, naked arms, tank tops, short skirts bikinis, the men in short sleeved T-shirts and short shorts, they cannot keep their dicks controlled because this is COMPLETELY UNIMAGINABLE and FORBIDDEN in Egypt and most Arab (Muslim Arab) cultures. (It's different with Egypt's Christian Arab minority, they dress like European women -- and therefore are often more vulnerable to being sexually assaulted). For inappropriate attire, or public affection, kissing, hugging, the Egyptian police may take you and put you in jail -- although, interestingly affection, kissing, hugging, locking arms between men is normal and is everywhere, it just can't look "gay." Both my previous boyfriends were Muslim and super gentlemen, but I do see that many Muslim men here in Europe CANNOT handle the amazing freedom, except those already emulating a European lifestyle back at home. You may call this as stereotyping, but even me, this is my experience after a long time living in Egypt and then coming back to Europe, and being used to seeing only a sea of women all dressed up from head to toe, and men with all of their limbs covered at all times: I was SHOCKED to see the European women in T-shirts and tank tops and short shorts and mini skirts, and naked legs, and the men in shorts and T-shirts. This is unimaginable in Cairo (a city of 20 million people, by the way) and in most Muslim countries. I was shocked by the difference and the freedom in Europe, and how people dress. In Cairo, I was CONSTATLY getting looks and comments if I went out in public in shorts and tank-top in the 45°C heat. Again, despite 40% of Egyptian men having sex with men only and the rest being open, it is risky for them to be gay. For inappropriate attire, or public affection, kissing, hugging, and especially for being gay the Egyptian police may take you and put you in jail or -- often given up by their own families or relatives -- gays may even be put away or disappear forever. All of the men I dated were scared and cautious. One of my previous boyfriends was forced to marry a girl, and my boyfriend in Egypt was confronted by his family and forced to see a girl to marry her -- which he was only able to decline by living a completely independent life. Others waited for months for a "Schengen visa" to come to live in Europe only to escape from their families and never see them again. Gays are sometimes still publicly hanged (often after being raped) in Iran and other places. Being gay is illegal in most Arab countries, with varying severity of punishment. So is driving and dressing freely for women, or going out in public without a male guardian.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

My Favorite Videos Today

Howard Stern Talks About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Israeli Ambassador With Erin Burnett, CNN

Joan Rivers About Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
And A Sad One: Hamas Members Brutally Beating Civilians Of Gaza Who Leave Their Homes Ffollowing IDF Warning